


Hallo fashion World,

Today a part of a famous song from Naples, South Italy,
I try to do traslation, but maybe everybody have heard one time in life..
‘O sole mio
What a special thing
A day with the Sun
A beautiful air after the storm..

But another sun
more beautiful there isn’t
My Sun
Is in front of you..

Dedicated to all of you, because this song makes me happy everytime I heard it, love some music of South Italy, also if I live in North, und Sie?
Now Enjoy with the Photos of my look,

Che bella cosa na jurnata ‘esole
n’aria serena dopo na tempesta….

Ma n’atu sole (un altro sole)
cchiu’bello io ne’ (più bello non c’è )
‘O sole mio
Sta ‘nfronte a te (ti sta di fronte)
‘O sole, ‘o sole mio….

A tutte voi dedico un pezzettino di questa splendida canzone, che mi mette allegria ogni volta che l’ascolto..
Anche se sono del nord, adoro alcune canzoni della musica napoletana….
E voi, che ne pensate?

Intanto divertitevi con il mio look di oggi,













Mit Liebe,

I wear:
Coat: Zara
Hemd: Zara
Bag: Valentino Garavani (alt)
Sunnies: Iam
Rock: Phard
Schuhe: Schultz

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91 Kommentare

  • Antworten Jackie Harrison

    It sounds like a beautiful song I bet a lot better in Italian, You look gorgeous love the shoes and coat so trendy and chic.

    7 February 2014 bei 01:10
  • Antworten Aya

    Leopard print is one of my favorites. Your outfit is lovely! xo

    7 February 2014 bei 02:36
  • Antworten Cla von Glam up your Lifestyle

    Haha ich kenne das Lied😉
    Und bei dir ist heute der Leo los. Schick und Lady-Like siehst du aus.
    Schönes Wochenende

    7 February 2014 bei 06:38
  • Antworten COCOOLOOK

    Tu abrigo es precioso, Nicky!!!
    Un beso!

    7 February 2014 bei 08:44
  • Antworten Marika

    Stupenda tesoro!! Come ti dona qst lookla mia dolce Nicky!! Bellissima tesoro! baci Marika
    Passa da me…

    7 February 2014 bei 08:50
  • Antworten Francesca R

    Peronicky che bella!! Sei uno spettacolo! Adoro il mix di leopard!

    7 February 2014 bei 09:45
  • Antworten Giulia

    mi piace l’animalier!!!Ed anche i pois!!!
    bacio Giuly

    7 February 2014 bei 09:46
  • Antworten Paola

    Sei uno spettacolo! Anch’io sono nordica, ma amo le belle canzoni del sud!

    7 February 2014 bei 09:47
  • Antworten Eleonora

    Carinissimo questo look! Adoro la stampa animalier! <3
    Un nuovo outfit ti aspetta sul mio blog!
    Mi piacerebbe sapere che cosa ne pensi! 🙂
    Einen dicken Kuss,
    It-Girl Facebook page

    7 February 2014 bei 10:14
  • Antworten Glauben

    che bello questo pellicciotto sarà che adoro il leopardato!!!
    usalo più spesso
    I love shopping

    7 February 2014 bei 10:39
  • Antworten Carolina

    Deliziosa tesoro!
    Il cappottino è davvero carino ma le scarpe sono il mio pezzo preferito <3
    Einen dicken Kuss


    7 February 2014 bei 11:00
  • Antworten Fabiola

    Mi piace da matti questo look Nicky, adoro il cappotto e la sovrapposizione di pois!

    7 February 2014 bei 11:15
  • Antworten sveva

    mi piace questo mix! e finalmente il sole!

    7 February 2014 bei 11:32
  • Antworten Valeria

    Io non amo particolarmente le canzoni napoletane ma mi piace un sacco il tuo cappottino. Un bacio.

    7 February 2014 bei 11:33
  • Antworten elisabetta

    Originale pois e leopard…mi piace!!baci Elisabetta

    7 February 2014 bei 11:36
  • Antworten Habanero Handmade

    Wow Nicky bella, bella.
    Adoro questo look.

    7 February 2014 bei 11:37
  • Antworten Zaha

    Leopard on leopard??? HOTTTTTT!!!!

    Lace and Lipstick Stains

    7 February 2014 bei 11:42
  • Antworten KizzyDoll

    So so very beautiful dollI hope you have a gorgeous weekend xx

    7 February 2014 bei 11:43
  • Antworten maylovefashion

    Pensavo fosse un vestito, e invece sono due capi separati, mi piace!

    7 February 2014 bei 11:55
  • Antworten cristina

    me gusta mucho el abrigo es precioso.Un besazo

    7 February 2014 bei 12:05
  • Antworten Mira

    You look stunning. Love the mix of prints and this super cool leo coat!! I know that song. Thanks for the translation 😀

    xx Mira

    7 February 2014 bei 12:09
  • Antworten Elisa

    Adoro questo mix and match!! Molto riuscito!!!

    Einen dicken Kuss, Elisa
    My Fantabulous World

    7 February 2014 bei 12:25
  • Antworten ThaisPS

    Un mix precioso, me encanta.
    El abrigo es divino.

    7 February 2014 bei 12:51
  • Antworten Noir et Doré

    Love your look !!

    7 February 2014 bei 13:20
  • Antworten S

    Ma come fai ad avere quell’aspetto così sofisticato anche con tutte quelle fantasie diverse addosso?
    Sei favolosa! 😀
    Sie zurück!

    7 February 2014 bei 13:38
  • Antworten Paola Lauretano

    Leopard & polka dots??? Pazzesco questo look…. così mi piaci super fashion icon!!!!!!!!!!!
    Scusami ma la canzone era dedicata a me e alla mia terra???!!!!
    Finalmente sole oggi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    7 February 2014 bei 14:11
  • Antworten Rowena

    Love the print mixing and you hat is fabulous Nicky!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

    7 February 2014 bei 17:03
  • Antworten suzanne

    I love the combo of leopard and dots. You should link up here

    there is a link party on dots!


    7 February 2014 bei 17:18
  • Antworten Noe Caro

    Me encanta el look. El abrigo y los zapatos son preciosos. Un beso

    Tengo new post
    Te espero 😀

    7 February 2014 bei 17:23
  • Antworten veronica

    wow Nicky, che bel mix di leopard e pois! Adoro entrambi!!!
    Un bacione cara e buon weekend!
    Weiter zu mir VeryFP

    7 February 2014 bei 17:42
  • Antworten Sofie

    Tolle Fotos <3
    Check out my latest outfit post?

    Ihre Prinzessin ist in einem anderen Schloss

    Sofie xx

    7 February 2014 bei 17:47
  • Antworten Anat Koren

    You look gorgeous, liebe! I absolutely love your outfit!

    7 February 2014 bei 17:54
  • Antworten Dania

    E chi se lo ricorda più come è fatto il sole!?? 🙁
    Che bello il cappotto leo Nicky mi piace il mix stampa animalier e polka dots.
    Un bacio


    7 February 2014 bei 18:12
  • Antworten Eleonora

    Bellissima! Gli occhiali sono fantastici!

    Follemente Fashion Blog also on Fashiolista und Bloglovin’

    7 February 2014 bei 18:17
  • Antworten Lia Crystal

    Wow, I totally love the look. Great combo of same patterns. It all looks adorable together. 🙂
    Fashion Happenss

    7 February 2014 bei 18:18
  • Antworten Lilli

    Bella Nicky! Che chic! Questo mix di fantasie è molto originale! Adoro il cappottino poi! Buon weekend!:*

    7 February 2014 bei 18:31
  • Antworten Barbara Marques

    Only you could pull-off such a bold look this way 🙂

    7 February 2014 bei 19:23
  • Antworten Barbi

    non è da tutte saper portare questo mix di fantasie e tu sei una di quelle rarità che le indossa da dio! splendida!!!


    7 February 2014 bei 19:30
  • Antworten Alessandra

    La pelliccia e le scarpeSTUPENDE!!

    7 February 2014 bei 20:01
  • Antworten Style&Paper

    Schönes Aussehen!!


    Style and Paper

    7 February 2014 bei 20:23
  • Antworten thechilicool

    Molto bello il cappotto animalier, un bel look, mi piace moltissimo!

    7 February 2014 bei 21:07
  • Antworten Oksana

    I absolutely adore this elegant look head to toe!

    7 February 2014 bei 22:17
  • Antworten Jodi

    I love the mix of polka dots and leopard. Two of my favorite prints or patterns combined. Perfection

    7 February 2014 bei 22:36
  • Antworten Sam @ Frills & Thrills

    This is such a lazy and creative print mix, in love with that gorgeous coat. Hope you have a wonderfully relaxing weekend!

    7 February 2014 bei 23:06
  • Antworten Reinigen

    Oh, liebe Nicky, Du bist die Schönste! I love your look so much and leo and dots in general <3

    Ciao from Bavaria/Germany, Reinigen

    7 February 2014 bei 23:16
  • Antworten Barbirella

    The song sounds relaxing, love to hear this song in Italian. Excellent print mixing, you look gorgeous and trendy. Happy weekend my friend xoxo 🙂

    7 February 2014 bei 23:42
  • Antworten Margaret Dallospedale

    Nicky sei il mio sole!!! Und’ vero questa canzone mette sempre tanta allegria, ma oggi sei tu a rendere la mia serata solare!
    Raffinata e Unica come sempre d’altronde, mai scontata!!!
    Un bacione e buon fine settimana
    ps: sto ancora ridendo per quello di fb jajajjaja
    The Indian Savage diary

    7 February 2014 bei 23:49
  • Antworten Shoes Bags & Slips

    Le scarpe sono bellissime!

    8 February 2014 bei 01:10
  • Antworten fashionhypnotised

    Que bella la stampa!


    8 February 2014 bei 07:57
  • Antworten Marika

    Buon sabato cara dolce Nicky..baci Marika
    Passa da me…

    8 February 2014 bei 08:47
  • Antworten SACRAMENTO

    Polkadots and animal print perfection.
    Buon fine settimana, mia cara Nicky

    8 February 2014 bei 09:23
  • Antworten Roberta

    wooooooooow nickyfantasticaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasuper fashionun bacioneeeeeeeeeeeee e buon weekend

    8 February 2014 bei 09:49
  • Antworten Aurora

    ohh, Valentino Garavani!

    8 February 2014 bei 12:23
  • Antworten Annalisa

    Questo cappotto è splendido…lo amo! Grazie mille per essere passata sul mio blog! Ti andrebbe di visitare il mio ultimo post?
    Le iconiche Timberlando sempre di tendenza

    8 February 2014 bei 14:19
  • Antworten Tanja

    You look real cool in this outfit, even if I don’t like leopard print a lot! 🙂

    8 February 2014 bei 15:38
  • Antworten effecoco

    E chi nn conosce questa canzone! Mi piace un sacco l’accoppiata cappotto e scarpe Leo 😉

    8 February 2014 bei 15:38
  • Antworten Benedetta

    Ma che bello questo mix di stampe e tessuti, Ich mag, sei stata davvero originale! ;D

    Sie zurück,


    8 February 2014 bei 16:48
  • Antworten Rashmi

    Wow..beautiful pics… have a lovely blog deari am following you now on Facebook and Goggle+….it would be great if you follow me back..stay connected darling..:-)

    8 February 2014 bei 17:03
  • Antworten Denise

    That’s an amazing coat and shoes, I like leopard! And the skirt and top also nice, great idea to wear the hat too! I think it’s a very editorial session, I enjoy seeing your pictures and the location! Very model like! denisesplanet com

    8 February 2014 bei 19:01
  • Antworten share Geheimnis

    Tolle Optik!! Happy wknd!! 😉


    8 February 2014 bei 20:58
  • Antworten Coco

    Ciao tesoro!! A parte la canzone, che anch’io adoro, sono affascinata da questo mix di stampe con cui hai osato. Mi fanno impazzire le scarpe e il cappello!
    Coco und La Vie en Rose
    Coco und La Vie en Rose auf Bloglovin
    Coco und La Vie en Rose auf Facebook
    International giveaway 2- Italian Leather Belt

    8 February 2014 bei 21:39
  • Antworten Fashion Sky Fall

    Oh, love your look!!! <3 Happy week-end 🙂

    8 February 2014 bei 23:32
  • Antworten jenny

    You look so elegant dear!!! I love this look!

    9 February 2014 bei 00:00
  • Antworten Dario Venuti

    le scarpe sono stupende

    9 February 2014 bei 00:03
  • Antworten FASHION TALES

    Love this look and all of the leopard. I just wore leopard the other day, I never get tired of it. xx

    9 February 2014 bei 07:42
  • Antworten Marika

    Buona domenica dolce tesoro mio! Un bacione Marika
    Passa da me…

    9 February 2014 bei 09:41
  • Antworten eriel

    ho trovato questo post davvero d’ispirazione!
    buona domenica !

    9 February 2014 bei 12:34
  • Antworten Carola

    fantastica la canzone e il tuo cappotto!!! buona domenica Nichy!!

    9 February 2014 bei 12:40
  • Antworten

    tesoro che sei bella,un mix and match perfetto! adoro pois e leopard
    buona domenica

    9 February 2014 bei 16:17
  • Antworten alysia

    i think your coat is really cool!
    plus the heels, wow.

    join my giveaway!

    9 February 2014 bei 18:00
  • Antworten Emma (Fluff and Fripperies)

    I love leopard printyou look so glamorous!

    9 February 2014 bei 18:08
  • Antworten Marder

    Hallo aus Spanien: I like to mix leopard print with polka dots. Great outfit. very cool. Bleib auf dem Laufenden

    9 February 2014 bei 18:32
  • Antworten Reinigen

    Liebe Nicky, vielen Dank für Deinen süßen Kommentar!

    Ciao from Bavaria/Germany, Reinigen

    9 February 2014 bei 18:45
  • Antworten Francesca Romana Capizzi

    Buona Domenica!!

    9 February 2014 bei 19:06
  • Antworten Paola Lauretano

    Ciao tesoro, buona serata a teio sono appena rientrata da un baby-party in mascherala mia pupa si è vestita da Monster High, tutta fucsia con tanto di parruccaradiant orchide rossetto in tintauno spettacolo!!!!!

    9 February 2014 bei 21:17
  • Antworten Marta y Ángela

    Me encanta!!
    El abrigo te queda genial!!

    Un beso 🙂

    9 February 2014 bei 21:33
  • Antworten Con estilo al cubo

    Just loving the mix of prints! Leapard coat is amazing


    9 February 2014 bei 21:36
  • Antworten Paola Lauretano

    Hallo liebes, buona serata anche a teio sono appena rientrata da un baby-party in maschera. La mia pupa si è vestita da Monster High tutta fucsia, con tanto di parrucca “Radiant Orchid” e rossento in tinta…. uno spettacolo!!!!

    9 February 2014 bei 21:38
  • Antworten Lorietta

    I love this song!♥ and your outfit is so pretty!:)

    10 February 2014 bei 00:16
  • Antworten PUTRI

    Thanks for the nice comment on my blog dear 😀
    Love your coat and heel soooo much!!


    10 February 2014 bei 04:19
  • Antworten styleshouts

    origilnalissimo questo abbinamento

    Stil schreit

    10 February 2014 bei 07:13
  • Antworten Chic with the least by Francy&Stef

    Che bello il cappotto!!! E stupenda la gonna!!
    Chic mit dem geringsten
    Auch auf Facebook , Bloglovin ' und What I Wear

    10 February 2014 bei 07:58
  • Antworten Elena

    Great outfit! Beautiful coat!

    Have a nice day!

    10 February 2014 bei 08:23
  • Antworten Marika

    Buon inizio di settimana tesoro! baci Marika
    che ne pensi del mio post?

    10 February 2014 bei 08:50
  • Antworten Mademoiselle Modus

    Lovely leopard print ^^


    10 February 2014 bei 10:33
  • Antworten Rashmi

    Beautiful outfit dear..loved the leopard print coat…:-) <3

    10 February 2014 bei 14:14
  • Antworten Ali Mackin

    Oh my that coat is Zara! I need to my self in to that store! Du siehst toll aus!

    Allie of ALLIE NYC

    12 February 2014 bei 00:16
  • Antworten laurel

    you have a special sense of style!
    Follow you

    15 February 2014 bei 16:25
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