
Büro aussehen

Hier bin ich nach ein paar Tagen in Deutschland und Österreich für die Arbeit (was für eine Überraschung ..!) Ich für das Fehlen dieser Tage, wenn ich nicht auf alle Ihre Kommentare beantwortet entschuldigen.
Heute war mein Haar besonders “elektrische”, es passiert selten, aber es ist zu lästig! meinst du nicht?
Ich hoffe euch gefällt mein Blick!



Mit Liebe,




Sweater: H&M Skirt:Zara Belt: Orciani Shoes: Valentino

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97 Kommentare

  • Antworten Kim von einem sehr süßen Blog

    That navy and orange looks awesome on you Nicky! So gorgeous!

    13 September 2013 bei 19:38
  • Antworten Jackie Harrison

    Elegant love the combination but if you ask to pick one item will be the skirt. Have a great weekend Nicky

    13 September 2013 bei 19:46
  • Antworten Marder

    Hallo aus Spanien: I see your hair well. Austria is a beautiful country. I was four years ago and really liked it. . I really like your skirt. The belt is perfect. Great outfit. You’re very trendy. Wir bleiben in Kontakt.

    13 September 2013 bei 19:53
  • Antworten Barbara Marques

    Such a classy and pretty working look! Love it!!
    I didn’t notice anything wrong with your hair 🙂

    13 September 2013 bei 19:59
  • Antworten KizzyDoll

    The skirt is wonderful, I like it with this colour top, so hübsch!! I hope you have a great weekend x

    13 September 2013 bei 20:10
  • Antworten SACRAMENTO

    Good to have a break.
    You look fabulous in that polkadot skirt.
    I want your necklace, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    have a grand weekend, dear Nicky and lots of bacios.

    13 September 2013 bei 20:11
  • Antworten Mira

    Be glad that your hair isn’t often electric. Mine is all the time sadly. You look fabulous. Love the skirt. Have a happy Friday 😀

    xx Mira

    13 September 2013 bei 20:19
  • Antworten Carola

    stupenda la gonna Nicky!!! stai davvero bene, look sobrio e super chic!!! :*

    Go to PursesintheKitchen

    13 September 2013 bei 21:28
  • Antworten

    WOW! Meine liebe Nicky! Das ist aber klasse!!!
    LG- Anna

    13 September 2013 bei 21:41
  • Antworten thechilicool

    such a beautiful skirt!! and love how you paired it with orange!
    Video-Outfit YOUTUBE

    13 September 2013 bei 21:58
  • Antworten alex

    cette tenue te va à ravir !!
    bisous bisous !!!

    13 September 2013 bei 22:07
  • Antworten Yudani

    Love the skirt.

    13 September 2013 bei 22:34
  • Antworten Reinigen

    Liebe Nicky, Du siehst wunderschön aus in Deinem Office Look! Dein Rock gefällt mir sehr gut und Deine Haare sehen doch toll aus <3

    Ciao Rena

    13 September 2013 bei 22:34
  • Antworten veronica

    Bellissima Nicky! Mi piace molto la collana!
    Bacioni e buona serata!
    Weiter zu mir VeryFP

    13 September 2013 bei 22:52
  • Antworten Corinne

    That skirt is as cute as a button!

    Corinne x

    13 September 2013 bei 23:06
  • Antworten Oksana

    Very elegant office look! I love your style very much-))
    Thanks for sharing:)

    13 September 2013 bei 23:10
  • Antworten weiß

    very cute outfit 🙂 especially the statement necklace is so great


    13 September 2013 bei 23:24
  • Antworten Chidiogo

    so chic and stylish… love the colors 🙂

    13 September 2013 bei 23:27
  • Antworten Sophisticated Lace

    Love this look!

    Sophisticated Lace

    13 September 2013 bei 23:56
  • Antworten Lady Trends

    So trendy lady!! The pencil skirt is one of the new season trends that we’ll see more on streetstyle… Schönes Outfit!! And beautiful necklace!!! Love XL necklace!!!
    Have a great weekend!! ;))

    Lady Trends NEW POST!!

    14 September 2013 bei 00:02
  • Antworten Maca

    I love this look, that polka dot skirt is amazing

    14 September 2013 bei 00:43
  • Antworten Anne

    your skirt is amazing <3

    14 September 2013 bei 01:29
  • Antworten Sam @ Frills & Thrills

    You look so elegant and sophisticated sweety, love the bright orange top, so perfectly styled. Hope you have a wonderfully relaxing weekend!

    14 September 2013 bei 01:42
  • Antworten Dania

    Ciao super donna in carriera!!!!
    Ma che meravigliosa statement necklace vedono i miei occhi!!??? La voglio, è bellissima e sul rosso chiaro della maglia risalta tantissimo.
    Bellissimo il dettaglio della cintura.

    un bacio grande


    14 September 2013 bei 02:09
  • Antworten Olivia

    Schön! I love your bow touch and the pretty necklace!
    XOXO, Olivia

    14 September 2013 bei 03:24
  • Antworten Tanya

    Hallo Nicky! I sure love your glamour look and it’s chic. I would love your job about the travels part:).. Not wondered why you’re so busy. don’t worry, I understand how thing goes.. Enjoy your travel work time.

    14 September 2013 bei 05:19
  • Antworten Paola

    La mia “business woman” più chic che mai!!!
    Mi piaci moltissimo in quella pencil skirt che ti calza come una seconda pelle… sexy e raffinata, allo stesso tempo. Il tocco del pull aranciato ne fa venire fuori un ensemble x niente scontato, ma come sempre sono gli accessori a far la differenza e la cintura a fascia con clutch e pumps in quella sfumaturanudesono di un’eleganza inenarrabile!!!
    Look 10 e lode!!!!!!!

    14 September 2013 bei 08:02
  • Antworten Francesca Romana Capizzi

    Beh se i tuoi capelli sono elettrici i miei cosa sono? Comunque nicky mi piaci moltissimo con questo look, la gonna è bellissima, te lo copierò!

    14 September 2013 bei 10:00
  • Antworten Alessandra

    Mi piace tantissimo la gonna, molto carina anche la collana. Io i capelli elettrici mi capita spesso di averli in inverno ed è una noia!! Poi sento sempre le scosse se tocco qualcosa!!

    14 September 2013 bei 10:12
  • Antworten Mademoiselle Modus

    Your skirt is just amazing ^^
    I really love it sweety 🙂


    14 September 2013 bei 10:28
  • Antworten Chic with the least by Francy&Stef

    i capelli elettrici sono fastidiosissimi!!
    Come stai bene con questo outfit!! Ci piace tantissimo!!
    Chic mit dem geringsten
    Auch auf Facebook und Bloglovin '

    14 September 2013 bei 10:45
  • Antworten Romina

    Ciao tesoro!!! Sei splendente come sempre! Adoro questa longuette a pois… davvero molto bella e delicata… Buon week end.

    Un bacio
    Meine Dip in Mode

    14 September 2013 bei 10:59
  • Antworten Anouka

    It looks like a dress, so it’s interesting to find out that it’s a top and a skirt. Schönes Outfit!

    14 September 2013 bei 11:17
  • Antworten melislicious

    wowww such an elegant and nice look! Love it!

    also love your blog, would you like to follow each other?


    14 September 2013 bei 11:32
  • Antworten Jadounette

    Cette jupe te vas à merveille!!!La pochette est superbe!!

    14 September 2013 bei 12:09
  • Antworten ema

    very pretty :))


    14 September 2013 bei 12:16
  • Antworten Antonella C'est moi

    adoro la tua collana e poi devo dire che sei sempre perfetta!!! un bacio

    14 September 2013 bei 14:00
  • Antworten Lilli

    Ciao Nicky! Sei sempre molto chic ed elegante, che carina la collana! Le foto sono bellissime come anche il posto dove le hai scattate. I capelli invece sono perfetti! Buon fine settimana cara, un bacio!:**

    14 September 2013 bei 14:02
  • Antworten Lisa

    Che bella la gonna cara, sei così chic con questo look!!

    14 September 2013 bei 14:48
  • Antworten Miriam

    great look!!!

    14 September 2013 bei 15:16
  • Antworten mariana vp

    great inspiraton!
    muah *

    14 September 2013 bei 15:35
  • Antworten IndianSavage

    Nicky sei stupenda!!!! Adoro in particolare le tue scarpe, sono così eleganti!!!!
    Un bacione e buon fine settimana!
    The diary of a fashion apprentice

    14 September 2013 bei 16:10
  • Antworten tejinder the skirt.
    u look stunning my love <3
    i love the clicks…;)

    my recent one :MAC Peachykeen Sheertone Shimmer Blush !!!

    14 September 2013 bei 16:21
  • Antworten Vale

    Bella, adoro gonna e collana =) Sie zurück

    Mode und Plätzchen
    Mode und Cookies auf Facebook

    14 September 2013 bei 19:35
  • Antworten betty passia

    Hello sweetheart,you are stylish as always!totaly love your outfit my friend!your hair looking great!!many kisses!

    14 September 2013 bei 19:48
  • Antworten Laura C.

    Very chic, Ich liebe es!
    Laura. xx

    14 September 2013 bei 20:28
  • Antworten Karina

    Very pretty!!!

    14 September 2013 bei 22:08
  • Antworten sabrina

    molto carina la gonna!!!
    mi piace l’intero outfit!!

    buona domenica!!!

    Freaky Friday
    Freaky Friday Facebook Fan Page

    14 September 2013 bei 22:47
  • Antworten Lizzy

    sempre chic ed elegante! adoro la scelta dei colori!

    14 September 2013 bei 23:48
  • Antworten Remly Montaña

    Ive always love the combination of red, blue and white! Its so navy yet so elegant! You rock this look. The skirt fits you like a glove.

    Kisses from Argentina


    15 September 2013 bei 04:44
  • Antworten Cla von Glam up your Lifestyle

    This is absolutely my wish style. The skirt so feminine and the color combination are perfect. I love your Valentino Shoes

    15 September 2013 bei 08:38
  • Antworten Valeria

    Splendida la collana. Mi piace questo abbinamento.


    15 September 2013 bei 09:25
  • Antworten Barbi

    perfekt, Ich mag diesen Look!!!


    15 September 2013 bei 10:12
  • Antworten Gail

    yes I’ve got ur email and don’t worry dear 🙂

    15 September 2013 bei 10:57
  • Antworten Jessica

    Hallo liebes! ma quanto sei chic ed elegante??? Adoro tutto, la gonna abbinata alla maglia sta benissimo, ma soprattutto il dettaglio della collana che riprende il colore della gonna, ti trovo perfetta anche questa volta 🙂 Un bacione tesoro e passa una splendida domenica!

    Die Fashion Heels

    15 September 2013 bei 11:16
  • Antworten FASHION TALES

    I really love the skirt and think this is such a lovely office look, especially with the belt addition! x/Madison 🙂

    15 September 2013 bei 11:17
  • Antworten Katerina

    Hey thank you for your visit and your comment! 🙂

    You have a great style! Love the way you dress!


    15 September 2013 bei 11:18
  • Antworten Dania

    Tesoro un bacio e buona sei in giro questa settimana?


    15 September 2013 bei 11:20
  • Antworten Francesca R

    Buon sabato!

    15 September 2013 bei 11:26
  • Antworten Nereealoves

    Super nice outfit! 🙂
    NL. <3

    15 September 2013 bei 14:19
  • Antworten Laviña Jampit

    pretty sweater and skirt for an office outfit 🙂

    15 September 2013 bei 16:22
  • Antworten COCOOLOOK

    Nicky, estás fantástica con esa falda lapiz!! La combinación con la camiseta naranja es perfecta!!!
    Un beso!

    15 September 2013 bei 16:51
  • Antworten Yumie Esnard

    Un look de trabajo perfecto, me encanta la combinación que has hecho en azules y naranjas.
    Besos guapa, que tengas una buena semana.

    15 September 2013 bei 16:53
  • Antworten judith

    Muy bonita la falda!!

    15 September 2013 bei 17:01
  • Antworten Paola Lauretano

    Buona domenica elegantissima business woman!!!

    15 September 2013 bei 18:03
  • Antworten The quince marmalade

    mi piace moltissimo questo look bon ton!

    15 September 2013 bei 18:17
  • Antworten Reinigen

    Liebe Nicky, ich wünsche Dir einen schönen Sonntagabend <3

    Ciao from Bavaria/Germany, Reinigen

    15 September 2013 bei 20:23
  • Antworten Nico

    Ma stai veramente benissimo, molto raffinata e chic! Quella gonna é fantastica!

    Fashion blog:

    15 September 2013 bei 21:37
  • Antworten Mafalda

    Schönes Aussehen!

    15 September 2013 bei 21:48
  • Antworten perfection and harmony

    Lovely skirt, you look so chic in it.

    I hope you will visit my blog

    and maybe follow if U like.

    15 September 2013 bei 22:00
  • Antworten Barbirella

    Absolutely love the look, so elegant and stylish, stunning place too 🙂

    15 September 2013 bei 22:04
  • Antworten borsadimarypoppins

    stupenda cara!

    15 September 2013 bei 23:14
  • Antworten Adela

    Great skirt.
    Adela x

    16 September 2013 bei 00:55
  • Antworten Deadly Bite

    Beautiful necklace! :))

    16 September 2013 bei 02:28
  • Antworten Paola

    che pezzo di figacciona, Nicky!

    16 September 2013 bei 09:59
  • Antworten elisa

    molto chic tesoro!
    Ti aspetto da me, nuovo post!
    Nameless Fashion Blog
    Nameless Fashion Blog Facebook-Seite

    16 September 2013 bei 10:07
  • Antworten Carolina

    Come sei bella tesoro, mi piace davvero tanto la gonnaTi sta benissimo!
    Einen dicken Kuss


    16 September 2013 bei 10:42
  • Antworten Francesca Romana Capizzi

    Buon lunedì!

    16 September 2013 bei 12:03
  • Antworten Sam @ Frills & Thrills

    Wishing you a great start to the week doll!

    16 September 2013 bei 12:15
  • Antworten Christine

    Very classy outfit! I really love the colour blocking, you look so amazing, Nicky! 🙂

    Take care always, love Christine ~ xo
    Chriissydollxo Blog | BlogLovin’

    16 September 2013 bei 12:39
  • Antworten M.E

    I hate when the electric hair happens to me too 😉
    Liebe die Kette!

    16 September 2013 bei 12:44
  • Antworten Mademoiselle Modus

    Have a nice week 🙂


    16 September 2013 bei 13:21
  • Antworten Marta y Ángela

    Your look is amazing! We love the most the skirt!! Is fantastic!
    And the necklace is so beautiful!
    Kisses from Spain!

    16 September 2013 bei 14:31
  • Antworten Benedetta

    Bellissimo look..di gran classe!!!
    Be Happy With Fashion Blog
    Be Happy With Fashion Facebook Page

    16 September 2013 bei 14:55
  • Antworten kirtana

    Hey, love your style and love your blogfollowing you! (:
    Follow me back if you find my blog interesting!

    Check out my new post Classic white shirt, and leave your comments, if any!
    much love. x

    Check out my Facebook page too.

    16 September 2013 bei 14:55
  • Antworten Lady parisienne

    So pretty outfit, very classy espacially the belt, Ich liebe es!

    16 September 2013 bei 15:25
  • Antworten Johanna

    I love your outfit. The colors are great!!

    16 September 2013 bei 16:40
  • Antworten Lilli

    Buon inizio settimana Nicky, un bacio grande!

    16 September 2013 bei 16:41
  • Antworten kimbim

    Awesome office look,I love your styling!!!

    16 September 2013 bei 17:00
  • Antworten mari

    Nicky, sei favolosa! mi piace molto questo look e soprattutto la gonna!!!

    Consigli per gli acquisti on line su


    Cliccate “mi piace” sulla Pagina Facebook:


    16 September 2013 bei 17:00
  • Antworten Rowena

    Fabulous office look Nicky! I love the mix of pattern and color and that belt is fantastic!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

    16 September 2013 bei 18:30
  • Antworten Paola Lauretano

    Buona serata tesoro, scappo ad un evento…. non so ancora cosa indossare!!!!

    16 September 2013 bei 18:34
  • Antworten Dania

    Va beh io continuo a passare di qui per ringraziartima quando torni a pubblicare!!??? 🙁

    Bacio amore buona serata


    16 September 2013 bei 18:47
  • Antworten Ivana

    Gorgeous mix of colors, lovely outfit! <3


    Rue de Tres Chic

    16 September 2013 bei 19:43
  • Antworten kelly

    this is such a nice look…like you paired the polka dots skirt with orange top….

    18 September 2013 bei 09:38
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