
Happy Birthday to me



Hallo Fashion Worldwide and NoT,
Yes you understood from these pictures, today is my Birthday!!!
A special Day, I feel loved and this is

the most important thing to me, nothing, specially every new material stuff can compare how I feel good with my love and with my friends Who really love me without any second reason!
Thanks to my special readers too, THANKS, your support, kidness, and daily messages mean a lot and help me to grow in this fantastic adventure!

Waiting for you on my Instagram to discover my next destination
Click click here




A special THANKS to my friend and talented Ksenia_photo for the the always fantastic shooting and photos !

Lace Dress : Tara Jarmon

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6 评论

  • 回复 Rowena

    Happy Birthday Nicky! Have a beautiful day!

    5 四月 2017 在 05:24
  • 回复 丽莉

    Auguri di cuore Nicky, spero trascorra un giorno davvero speciale e pieno d’amore. Sei stupenda in queste foto, adoro l’abitino ed i palloncini <3 Un abbraccio!:*

    5 四月 2017 在 09:23
  • 回复 Rossella

    Buon compleanno!!!!! Tantissimi auguri !!!

    5 四月 2017 在 13:21
  • 回复 麦迪

    Happy birthday dear Nicky! May this year be even better than the ones before & that all of your wishes come true! Sending you tons of hugs and kisses!

    You look absolutely fabulous in those pictures & I am so loving the balloons <3

    6 四月 2017 在 20:27
  • 回复 凭单

    Sei meravigliosa…ti adoro <3 Scusa se non sono presente come vorrei ma tu sai perché…sono sfinita ma felice di quello che sto facendo. Bacioni amica!

    时装和Cookies – 时尚 & beauty blog

    10 四月 2017 在 01:02
  • 回复 维罗尼卡

    Ancora tanti auguri cara! Un grande bacio!
    跳到见我 VeryFP

    11 四月 2017 在 15:08
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